Remember this song?
"He's still working on me...
To make me what I ought to be.
Took Him just a week to make the moon and the stars...
The sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars.
How loving and patient He must be...
Cause He's still workin' on me."
O my goodness... It's been nearly a year since I blogged last. Talk about falling off the wagon! Maybe you could say I'm striving for quality if not for quantity. But tonight I just have to say I am totally overwhelmed!!! In a good way! Did you go out and look at Jupiter tonight? The way I understood it, just after midnight, Jupiter was closer to the earth than it has been since 1963 and will not be visible to the naked eye again until 2022. I feel so privileged to have been able to see this!!! When I first went out, I took a look and thought, "Well, that's cool." But when we took out the binoculars.... WOW!!!! We were looking through those and we could even see the MOONS around Jupiter. I can't even imagine how awesome it was to see for somebody who had a telescope. I mean MY GOODNESS!! MY EYES actually rested on JUPITER!! I'll be singing that part of "He's Still Workin' On Me" for a week now! "...the sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars..." Makes me feel so small...
And it got me to thinkin'... I began to think about those binoculars. When I looked at Jupiter through those things, it was kind of like... having my eyes opened. Without them... Well... I can say that I knew Jupiter was there, that I could see it, that I even got a little bit of the thrill of knowing I was seeing a once in a lifetime thing. But when I looked through those binoculars... Oh BOY! I could see things I hadn't seen before! I saw those moons, the shape of their orbit around Jupiter, the size of the planet in relation to its moons... Stuff I would never have been able to enjoy without my "eye opening" experience. Isn't it so much like that with God in our lives? We view the world with our eyes and see things, but we don't really think much of it. But it's when we view the world through the lens of God's Word that we see it in a whole different light. Or when the Holy Spirit highlights something, it's then that it takes on a whole new look. How awesome God is! Tonight as I looked at His creation and felt the privilege of being able to see with my own eyes something I never thought I would see, I was speechless. (Hard to believe, I know...) But all I could say is, "Wow!" I mean what else do you say? WOW!! But how speechless would we be if we were looking through spiritual "binoculars" more often? Having our eyes opened to take a look at what God really is doing in us, through us, and for us? Wow...
I saw Jupiter... With my own eyes; not in a book or on TV - with my own two puny little eyes. I feel like I'm seeing the universe for the first time. Reminds me of how much God loves me. He created all that awesomeness and yet he cares for me.
As my friend used to tell me, "If that don't light your fire, your wood's wet!"
Praying that God gives you a pair of "binoculars" to walk around with tomorrow - uh, I mean today!
Much love...