Ok, I realize that it's entirely possible that I'm the only mom in the world who takes phrases spoken by my children and matches them up with songs. You know what I'm talking about, right? Your child says something that triggers a memory from days long gone by and you suddenly break out into some obscure (or sometimes not) song that has matching lyrics? Well, sorta like this:
Mom - "Good morning, baby. How do you feel today?"
Child - "Good. I feel good..."
Mom - (cue music) "WOW!! I feel good... nana nana nana na... I knew that I would... nana nana nana na..."
Child - (eye roll) "Ma-omm..."
No? Well whatever. Maybe I AM the only one who does that. But really, there IS a song for everything.
So today one of my children mentioned something about things going up and coming back down. So...
Ok, I'm waiting to hear it... Anybody breaking into a little "Spinning Wheel"? A little Blood, Sweat, & Tears from the 60's? Hmmm... Just me again, I see.
Anyway, I broke out into the song... (cue music) "what goes up - must come down... spinnin' wheel got to go 'round... hum hmm hmmm..." and before I can say another word my eldest DS Noah (who is 15 now and knows nearly everything) says, "Humph... Don't know the name of that song but it's got to be "DUH"!"
Yeah, took me a minute too and then I belly laughed for a gooooood 10 minutes.
Gotta love the literalistic mind of children...
P.S. By the way, a MOTHER wrote "Spinning Wheel" whilst she watched her children enjoying a ride on a carousel at the park in Seattle, WA in the early 60's. She sold the rights to it for $250 and the song is still making money today. (and I'm guessing that it's just a biiiiiit more than the original $250) Sounds like my kinda luck...