Well, of course I balked!! Number one, I had planned on wearing my bright, goofy fall shirt and my pumpkin earrings I always wear one time a year... Thanksgiving. Number two, I had no intentions of "fixing up" and was seriously just thinking about wearing no make-up and my hair in a clippy. Well, they're my family, right? No need to foo-foo up for them... They're stuck with me!! LOL!! And who wants to worry about lipstick, fixed hair, and a less than totally comfortable shirt when you're planning on eating your mom's turkey with dressing and all the fixins? Sigh.... But I had received my marching orders and nothing for me to do than break out the war paint, the heat rods, and the girdle... I hate having my picture taken.
I had hoped she had forgotten. We'd made it almost to dark and if I could get to five o'clock I could say that there just wasn't enough good light.... Sooorrryyyyy! But she remembered. And out we tramped into the yard, looking for a good background, something we could all hide behind, and the best way to arrange the four of us. We wanted the twins together. But try as we might, we couldn't seem to work it out where the photo looked right. And then we did this stagger thing... Why does the fat sister always get stuck in the front?? There ought to be a rule that the fat sister gets to stand behind whatever she chooses so that she doesn't have to show all 15 rolls to the world!! My preference of places was to stand behind the camera! But, having none of that, my sister, alas, relegated me to the front of the picture.
We fiddled, we fuddled, we tried to get in the right position until finally my goofy sister reached around and drew us all together so that we were laughing as we were trying to get a good shot and not fall off the big log flat onto our fannies....
Here's what we got...

What is Thanksgiving? Thanking the Lord for what you have been given, spending time with your family, enjoying good food, and making memories together.
Yeah, I guess I did have a good Thanksgiving. Hope yours was as good as mine.
Thank you Lord for the things I have been given...
and for the things I have not.