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Sunday, November 23, 2008

A lot of growing in a year...

Hey, y'all. I was just showing my DH my "new blog" and while we were looking at the photos that I have posted we began to notice something odd.... The photo I have at the top of the page is a photo taken at Christmas 2007. Yes, only last year. I noticed Noah. Then I took a look at the photo I have of Noah individually.... I had a Rip Van Winkle moment!! Look at the difference in my child!!! He went from little boy to young man seemingly over night! Now, I don't remember playing nine pins with little short men in the mountains, but I am totally astonished that this kind of change could have happened in only a year. I mean gee whiz! The boy has grown nearly 5 inches, his voice is changing, and he has the makings of a serious mustache!!

Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Baaaaawwwwwwllllll......... (deep breath) blubbbbbbbber! (sniff, sniff.... bloooooow, sniff) This is just not fair!! This business of watching your little boy become a young man is hard! Why did nobody tell me?????


So I guess putting a brick on his head would be moot at this point, huh?


I'm going to bed, pulling the cover over my head, and if I wake up to a bunch of little men playing games in the mountains, they'll be wishing they put the nine pins up before I got there because I'm gonna clobber them with 'em!!! (muttering).... Rip Van Winkle ME will ya....


Lynn said...

What? Lori Corbin, the one who says she has no time for such! LOL
So glad you caved in! Looking forward to reading more!
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

From viewing your pics, I'm convinced that the hormones in the chicken are getting to your bunch. LOL! They have changed a lot in a year. Time sure does fly doesn't it? I recognized your gang from drama co-op. My oldest, Travance, was in the play with them. You, know-the nutty one. ;)

So great to "e-meet" you though!