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Monday, September 14, 2009

The Mighty Hunters...

Remember I told you about the Labor Day dove hunt? The one where I killed the flying diet coke bottle? Well, here are my photos of the "mighty hunters". (just now getting them off my camera!)They're too cute!

Noah, Jonah, & Jesse are rip-roarin' and ready to go!
Now, where are those birds?!

"Hey Mom! You can't shoot birds
with a camera!"
"Sure I can! If I shoot them with THIS, then I KNOW I'll be getting them!" (so there smarty!)

And we're lookin'
for birds.....

And we're
STILL lookin' for birds...

And we're about
10 seconds from being ready
to shoot at the gnats
and mosquitos...

"Mama, are we ready to go yet?"

"Yeah, Mama... I want to go to the Hamilton's and play for a little bit..."

"There are, like, NO birds flying..."

Daddy, are you ready to go?

"Yeah, I reckon..."


1 comment:

Tina said...

LOL.. I love it! By the way I would have been shooting with my camera too :)