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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hahahahahahaha.... Wipe Out!

Come on... I know you're hearing the song in your head right now. But that's not the kind of wipe out I mean. I mean the WIPED OUT that I have been today. I have felt like I've been walking through chest deep water all day long. And it just occurred to me this evening that I have been going wide open every day for over a week. I have rushed from one thing to another trying to knock out that never ending "to do" list and I am worn out. So, Lord willing and the creek don't rise, I'm taking a break tomorrow. I'm actually going to sleep in. (gasp!!!) Yes, I will be sleeping IN tomorrow morning. I won't be getting up until 6:30!! Woo hoo, I feel just decadent!! Of course, 6:30 is also when my kids get up so I will probably be wishing all day long that I would have just gotten up at my normal time so I would have 5 minutes of quiet during my day. I may just need to go down to Anita's and borrow her tub! Oh, I mean, her "research library". Oh... my kingdom for a tub...

I digress.

So we'll do our normal school routine, I'm just not going running in the morning. We'll see if that makes much of a difference. I think we're supposed to be taking it easy tomorrow anyway - from a training perspective. I know one thing, though. For somebody who has such a great schedule going, I have done a LOUSY job of lesson planning. My kids have done almost EVERYTHING I had planned to this point and I haven't had enough time to sit down and gather up anything else. Add that to the fact that I had to wait so long to order curriculum that a lot of it isn't in yet and, well... I may just be bad and take the ENTIRE day off tomorrow. And it's only the first week of school.


We'll come up with something to do. There was something about painting a sailing scene with watercolors that I didn't do with them today. I'll send them outside with paint shirts, paints, and a huge peice of butcher paper and see what my little Picassos come up with. That ought to keep 'em busy for at least an hour. Then we may have a "cushion day" and read, read, read! That ought to be slothful enough! Hope all you racers out there are planning to rest up tomorrow. Don't know that it will actually help one that's hindered with corpulence and torpidity like me. Nonetheless, I will strive... (we've been playing with the thesaurus today)

I've been reading several things lately, but one thing I've read is about blessings. I have read that long ago it was common for blessings to be pronounced upon people for which you cared and wished good things to. And I would like to bless you. I know that there are a few of you ladies that keep up with me and read my ramblings with grins of indulgence on your faces. And I do love you my dear friends. So this is my blessing for you.

As you turn your heart to our Lord in the morning, may your day be filled with peace. May the grace and mercy of our Heavenly Father surround you and comfort you. May He wrap His arms of love around you tomorrow. And even though there will be moments of chaos, in the midst of it may you hear His Voice and be at peace. The blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ be upon you and all in your household, my friends.

In His Love,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great job racing, Noah, Jonah, and Lori! I totally enjoy watching everyone race their best at the finish line. Looking forward to a great season.