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Monday, August 31, 2009

Menu Monday!

I have looked at a couple of blogs I keep up with and Menu Monday seems like a recurring theme!! So here's my rendition of Menu Monday!

Sunday evening is always the best time for me to plan my menu for the following week. I plan meals for the first half of the week based on what I have on hand. I try to grocery shop on Wednesday mornings while Jonah is at therapy so I plan the remainder of my meals around what I have plus what I plan to buy. That seems to work well for me. Preparing that way helps me to plan meals from my freezer and pantry, using what's on hand as much as possible. And if I have most everything I need for the week, well yay me! My grocery list is short on Wednesday. That helps me save money. I know others that grocery shop first and fix what they find on sale. I wish that worked for me. It sounds like a great way to save money but I seem like I'm always wishy-washy when I do that. And invariably I'll not purchase some key ingredient to being able to use that sale item for a meal that week.

I used to want someone to just tell me exactly how to do things. Menu plan, house clean, get organized, make a schedule, etc. But as I'm growing older (and, God willing, wiser) I'm seeing that there is just not a cookie cutter that fits every household. You have to find what works for you and be like Nike - just do it. It takes some work to find out what works best for you. But once you do you can run like gangbusters with it.

Anyway, my menu has been updated in the side bar under the photos of my babies. Hope it's a help or inspiration to someone. Maybe someone can look at it and say, "If SHE can do it, I know I can!" LOL!

Many Blessings,

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