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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Scheduling Woes!!

Ohhhh!!! I'm so flustered! The kids and I worked so hard on our schedule and we have hit a snag already! I'm beginning to think that the devil doesn't want me to have a schedule and he sure doesn't want me to have one that WORKS!! We had things going great until I found out that Cross Country practice was in the afternoons now instead of the mornings. Sigh...

Here's what we started with:

Monday (our ONLY day at home)
6:30 - rise and shine! (Morning routine)
7:30 - reclaim our home from the weekend
10:00 - Begin our school day...
10 - Bible
10:30 - Greek
11:00 - 3r's
12:30 - Lunch
1:00 - read alouds
1:30 - KONOS
3:00 - Individual Reading Work
4:00 - School's OUT!
4:00 - Life Application Science (in other words, Noah will be woodworking, Jonah will be gardening, and Rebekah will be sewing... We're all learning different things this year to benefit them for LIFE! I'm as excited about this as I am ANYTHING!)

5:30 - Evening Chores

8:00 - Reading and Bedtime Routine

9:30 - Lights Out

Now the rest of our week looks much the same... Factor in cross country on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4pm, therapy for Jonah on Wednesday and Friday at 8 am, and sewing lessons for Rebekah at 4:30 on Wednesday evenings and WHEW!!! We are packed! Does anybody else have a schedule like this? But here's the blessed thing about this schedule... Our Lord is not a god of chaos, but He is The God of Order and as long as He's ordering our steps it's all going to be alright!

Don't have a schedule mapped out yet? Let me encourage you to do so. It will make you feel better to just have a plan. I'm SOOOO not good with schedules (I AM Ms. Perpetual E. Late!) But having this schedule gives me a standard. A starting point. A map that I can return to when those days happen (and they WILL) that throw everything for a loop. I can go back to my map and start again thanking God for the order that He shows me every day in His creation. My failures remind me that I CANNOT... But He CAN.

Have a blessed day my friends,


Em said...

Good for you, Lori! : )

Roan said...

I feel your scheduling pain. I worked on ours for several days! I think I have a schedule that works...most of the time! But I am exhausted at the end of the day! :)

Anita said...

I just threw the schedule from last year away. They don't work for me, but I don't have any outside activities other than piano on Tuesday afternoons. I'm tired and frustrated for you!!