Oh, my, oh, my, oh, my.... One of the Johnson girls has a shirt that says, "Running's a mental sport... and we're all insane!" To that I say.... YEP!! I ran the Bodock 5K route this morning with my sister - well, in truth, I ran the "downs" and walked the "ups" of the 15 ups and downs along the route! The first half of the course wasn't so bad and I was feeling pretty good about myself... Until we turned around. The gradual incline starts just about at Becky Brock's old house and goes all the way to the hospital. Let me just say this: Anybody that can actually RUN that monster is a better woman, man, athlete, EVERYTHING than I am! That hill is not for the faint of heart. I asked Lynn today at cross country how long she thought that incline was and she answered "A MILE!" Well, I know it's not that long, but it sure feels that way! My sister told me that her daughter always said she knew she had it made once she got to the hospital. Well, I was looking for that hospital and by the time I got there I was thinking "maybe I have just enough steam to make it into the ER!!!" And then there's the funeral home. If you pass up the ER, you can always land at the door of the funeral home. They'll take REAL good care of you! My sister swore that was where she was headed after today! I was INCLINED to agree with her! (get it? the killer incline on the way back? Yeah, I know, that was bad. But give me a break - I'm tired!) But, anyway, I suppose you can see that I didn't die as I'm blogging the experience. So tomorrow I do it again with my boys. Yes, I know. I'm brain dead. Like the shirt says, "we're all insane".
Groan... where's my Tylenol?
Go Lori!
You will do great at the actual race. They have a water sprinkler in the street, so be sure to run through it!
My shirt says "Will Run For Chocolate!"
Tell Tommy the tile and floor look great!
See you Friday.
Thanks Roan! I really appreciate your encouragment. It helps. I told my kids about the sprinklers and they said "COOL!!" They might actually be excited about the race now! As to a shirt, I'm doing good to find one that is cool that doesn't look like it's been shrink-wrapped to my body! They just don't make running shirts for fluffy gals... Any suggestions where else to look? I've looked at Hibbets, Wal-Mart, Trails n' Treads. Thanks, L
You're a nut! So proud of you, my friend!!!
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