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Friday, August 7, 2009

Life's Little Lessons

What's UP with the socks???

Okay, I know we all have to deal with the sock issue. There are feet and feet need socks. But what's up with socks under the bed, socks IN the bed, socks under the couch, socks in the corner, SOCKS IN THE PANTRY IN MY KITCHEN!!!!!! (Yeah, somebody's goin' down for that one, trust me...) I mean the sock thing should not be such an issue. I have finally trained my DH to pull his socks together when he takes them off. That's GREAT! But my children, however, seem to be bringing new meaning to the term "resistance training". Ok, ok... let me go back so you can understand where I'm going with this thing...

See, I have this sock monster that lives in my washer and dryer. One day he's in the washer, the next in the dryer. Who knows where he's going to pop up next! So I got smart one day and decided that I was going to put a stop to the tyrannical rule of the sock monster. I started pinning my socks together before washing. It's GREAT! (You have to use the good safety pins that you get from the sewing dept. or from a fabric store. But once you have your pins, they will last you for years! I've been using mine for nearly 4 years now.) Pin them together, throw them in the wash, dry, unpin to pull together and you're done! No more searching the clothes basket for hours searching for that "other sock". It's right there, attached to its mate. (See, I'm smarter than I look...) But here's the catch: first you have to have BOTH socks to be able to pin them together. I have been just automatically pinning mine together before hitting the hamper with them. DH pulls his together for me so I don't have to search for them. But my kids... Arrrrrgggggghhhhh!!

Now flash forward to today. Here I am, having a hamper full (and on the floor and behind the hamper, etc.) of these socks to go thru and try to pin together - if I find the match- or just wash them and try to match them later. But if I match them AFTER they're washed, I have to fight the sock monster. See, he doesn't get the ones that are pinned together. (I guess he only likes one at a time...) So I decided to make the KIDS go thru those socks! Heh, heh, heh, heh.... (that's my evil laugh) It took an HOUR to go thru all those socks, match them, pin them, and get them ready for washing. That was one of the best hours I've had in ages. I could hear the kids fussing with one another... "You need to learn to put your socks together NOAH! Your socks STINK!" "Well, if you'd quit hiding all your socks under the couch, we wouldn't have 75 pairs to be going thru, JONAH!" "Both of your feet stink and I only have one pair of socks in this whole pile and I'm having to do this too so HUSH!" (that one was Rebekah) I was just SMILING as I folded the other clothes. Laughing a bit to myself, thinking 'Thank you Lord for life's little lessons... and humor.'

Hee, hee, hee... (that's my silly little "I did something funny and mean" laugh... he, he, he!!)



Em said...

Glad you got Tommy trained to match his after pulling them off. I finally had to go all "Mammy" (that was my great-grandmother who you did.not.mess with!) on Mark about the socks. First of all, he's pretty spoiled, and isn't 'required' to take his stuff to the hamper - I do that. But I HATED turning his nasty socks right side out. So, I started doing what Mammy used to do to us when she did our laundry, and that was, I just left them inside out, washed, dried, and put them away. Then when he got ready to put them on, HE had to turn them right. When he asked me what was up, I told him that my Mammy always said if you don't care enough to turn 'em right side out, neither do I! Cured him, it did!

Lori said...

Well, I have to say that Tommy is way spoiled too. He leaves socks in all kinds of places and I do take all his stuff to the hamper. But I did the same thing you did for a few times and he also decided he liked clean folded socks better than nasty half-washed inside out balls of what were supposed to be socks. (smile) Don't u love those Mammy's!